
😈 The API Hacker Inner Circle

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🗓️ The API Hackers' Month in Review - June 2024 👀

Hey friend 👋, WTF, where did June go? I swear I blinked, and it was gone. Apologies for this newsletter not arriving yesterday. It was Canada Day, and I was out being loud and proud. (Sorry... couldn't resist. 🇨🇦) In all honesty, I was sitting quietly eating cookies and catching up on some reading. And not some funky flavour of Oreos (albeit they have some great Maple Cream Oreos out there), but some patriotic Maple Leaf Peek Freans. IYKYK. Canadians prefer Birthday cookies (or Nanaimo bars...

Hey friend 👋, Wow, did May go by fast. I think these months need to start getting rate-limited so I can actually keep up. I have to admit though, members of the inner circle have kept me going. First, Stephen sent me this... I got a chuckle from that. And then Viktor shared with me a new flavor he came across... WTF? Who would eat that? I'm all for hacking late at night with a plate of cookies, but damn. Silliness aside, the last thing we want is kids seeing that. You just never know these...

Hey friend 👋, April has been a bit intense. Ya, it started with jokers putting toothpaste in our Oreos. 🤢 It ended with some well-deserved R&R on the beaches of the West Coast of Vancouver Island. I can't complain too much; I mean, I was also introduced to Churro Oreos... I can't believe these are a thing... ... and it ended with long walks along the beach... Walking along Cox Bay for a week isn't a bad way to decompress... While I was away, I got to finish reading Pegasus: How a Spy in Your...

Hey friend 👋, It's April already!! I hate April 1st. You can't trust anything you read on the Internet, and the pranks ruin good food... If I wanted something minty I'd get peppermint cookies... leave my Oreos alone!!! 🤢 Speaking of something that leaves a bitter taste in my mouth (ya, weird transition there... but stick with me), I've been reading an interesting book lately you need to know about. It's called Means of Control: How the Hidden Alliance of Tech and Government Is Creating a New...

Hey friend 👋, How is it that in a leap year, February has gone by so fast? One minute it's Valentine's Day, and the next thing you know Leap Day jumps right past us. OK, a day late. But anything relating to quantum can fix that, right? The extra day in February did let me keep up with my reading. I've been reading The Hacker and the State: Cyber Attacks and the New Normal of Geopolitics. The book explores the profound impact of cyber warfare on global politics, detailing how state-sponsored...

Hey friend 👋, Wow. January has come and gone in the blink of an eye. Did you try a "dry" January and skip the alcohol? They say it's good for the skin... Does Bailey's Irish Cream in the hot cocoa count? Whoops. Grogu I am not. I did catch up on some reading in January while drinking my adult cocoa. I've been reading Tracers in the Dark: The Global Hunt for the Crime Lords of Cryptocurrency. It's a fascinating read about the dark economy driven by cryptocurrency. And a clear lesson on how...

Happy New Year! 🎉 I trust you had a great holiday season and brought in the New Year with a bang. I don't know about you, but 2023 felt like it went by so quickly. Over the holidays I had time to read The Language of Deception: Weaponizing Next Generation AI. It's a penetrating look at the dark side of emerging AI technologies. The book delves into how AI, especially in the realm of language models, can be used to manipulate, deceive, and influence public opinion, raising significant concerns...

Hey friend 👋, Wow. November whisked by so fast. I swear we were all just parked in a pumpkin patch gorging on candy. And now we're on December's doorstep, getting ready for Christmas. 🎄 I dunno about you, but I took some time off in November to recharge and get ready for the holiday season. My wife and I went storm watching on Vancouver Island and enjoyed this view for a week: Storm watching on Vancouver Island in November When we weren't outside in the chilling cold, we stayed inside and...

This is awkward. You just had a newsletter delivered yesterday... and now you are getting this one. The monthly review doesn't usually fall right after the weekly one... so apologies for hitting your inbox so soon. But it's that time. The era of "pumpkin everything" is ending... and the days of "peppermint everything" are upon us. 🎃 ❄️ I always love this time of the year. The change in season always makes me happy. The leaves turn to crimson and gold, and I can start drinking hot chocolate...

Where the heck did September go? It seems in the blink of an eye, we started seeing everything pumpkin-spiced showing up on the shelves, and now we're gearing up for October festivities. I will admit though that finding pumpkin-spiced Oreos was "interesting". Yeah, you can get pumpkin-spiced Oreos now! I wonder if I need to start looking out for Halloween Oreos. I'm sure they exist. 🤣 Anyway, I enjoyed those Oreos with coffee and a good book. Lately, I have been reading "A Vulnerable System:...